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21. 8. 2017 · Aktualizováno: 22. 9. 2023

Rhino, Blepharo and Bullhorn

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Průměrná cena: 65.000 Kč

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Rhino, Blepharo and Bullhorn
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Milos is just the best:) I am happy that I have chosen Brandeis Clinic and Dr. Krizko for my surgeries. Milos is such a talented and skilled plastic surgeon! Not to say that it seems like he is the only surgeon in Prague, who performs the bullhorn lip lift. I needed all surgeries to be done fast and it was all completed 10 days after I first contacted the Brandeis clinic. As I am pretty nervous about every single thing, Milos was always here to answer all my questions in order to calm me :) All the staff of Brandeis was so helpful during this experience, so of course, I highly recommend Milos and all his team for everyone looking for changing something in their look. Thank you dear Milos for a new version of myself:)________________________________________________________________________________ Milos je nejlepší :)Jsem ráda, že jsem si pro své operace vybrala kliniku Brandeis a Dr. Krizko. Milos je tak talentovaný a kvalifikovaný plastický chirurg! Je jediným chirurgem v Praze, který provádí výtah rtů. Potřebovala jsem rychlé operace a všechno bylo dokončeno 10 dní poté, co jsem se poprvé spojil s klinikou Brandeis.Jelikož jsem po každé docela nervózní, byl Milos vždycky vstřícný, aby mi odpověděl na všechny otázky a aby mě uklidnil :) Celý tým Brandeis byl během této zkušenosti tak užitečný, takže samozřejmě velmi doporučuji Milosei a všechny z jeho týmu... Děkuji milému Milosovi za novou verzi sebe sama :)


Komentáře (3)

Hello, <br />
<br />
that is a great news, I am very happy that you found Dr. Križko! Reading what you underwent and all at once I have to ask how do you feel and how is your post-op going? It would be really interesting and enriching to see your fine results, do you have any photos before and after? <br />
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Best regards, <br />
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Opravdu chcete odstranit tento obrázek?
Hi, Annika :)<br />
<br />
Well, right now I am about 7 weeks post-op and I feel great. Scars from blepharo are alsmost invisible, the bullhorn one is still healing. Swelling from rhino, but that's normal; healing after rhino takes up to 1 year. <br />
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As for the before/after photos: no, I don't have them, but maybe will post some in 3-6 months, when the final result (especially from the rhino) maybe seen.
Opravdu chcete odstranit tento obrázek?
Hello, <br />
<br />
how do you feel in your 5th month of post-op? I am dying to see the results! <br />
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Best regards, <br />
<br />
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Opravdu chcete odstranit tento obrázek?

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